Vibrational Alignment

Original price was: 120,00 €.Current price is: 99,00 €.

You are energy vibrating at a specific frequency! And everything is created out of that vibration. Invite yourself to experience an alignment with Source Energy and to remember your innate capacity for regeneration on the various levels and dimensions of reality. 

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This approach goes far beyond a specific action on a particular symptom or life situation and completely transcends the cause-and-effect paradigm, as it is not tied to the concepts of time and space that we are familiar with. It finds its scientific basis in a quantum and global human being.
As soon as the heart begins to beat, electromagnetic fields begin to form around each person, interconnected with all others and constantly exchanging energy, light and information.

This vibrational alignment is a highly sophisticated but extremely simple form of energetic interaction (it does not involve physical touch, rituals, techniques, or symbols of any kind, and does not require belief in anything other than the feeling of the body’s own intelligence at work).

 – It is an innate intelligent ability that provides a return to a state of unity and balance, greater serenity in the face of adversity, a marked expansion of self-awareness and profound self-knowledge, manifested in changes on various levels-physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual-executed in total freedom and unique to each being. 
– The facilitator is a catalyst of the process, accessing this spectrum of energy, light and information through their attention and conscious observation of the Unified Field, creating the opportunity for change and transformation to occur much more quickly, without directing the healing. 
– It is an action that takes place at the cellular level in the WHOLE that each one is, therefore it is not considered a therapy as it does not act on symptoms or make diagnoses or treatments and specific results cannot be guaranteed. 
– This process, which is evolutionary and takes place at the right time for each person, makes it possible to reorganize and regenerate the DNA, allowing for greater emission of light (bio-photons) at the cellular level, greater coherence in the energy field, which begins to vibrate at a higher frequency. and, consequently, attracting what each one needs and also releasing what is denser. 

We are enough as we are and much greater than we think.

It is a regenerating bath of light in the frequency of LOVE.

Each session is designed specifically for you, meeting you in your present moment and bringing you what you need to feel more and more “at home” and intimate with yourself. 


A session lasts about 1h (with 30m of energetic facilitation + integration) and can be done in person or remotely, without the need for any technological device. 
In this last case, we agree on a date and time, before which I will send you a message to confirm that we are ready. After the session, I’ll call you to get your feedback and we’ll talk. 
The apparatus is as simple as possible – just lie down, relaxed, with your eyes closed and barefoot, paying attention to the sensations that manifest themselves, without trying to analyze or interpret them. Observe and be observed, without expectation or control.
Even if you do not feel anything, the process is happening!

Both sessions – face to face or at a distance – have the same degree of effectiveness and the same price which is an exchange of energy.

Depending on your financial situation, you can benefit from the Friday Session – Free Donation as long as you pay an amount multiple of 9 and in accordance with what you are open to receive (e.g.: 9… 54… 99… ..234…).

It is suggested that no more than 3 sessions be facilitated in a short period of time, so that each person feels that he/she is activating an innate regenerative process capable of deprogramming and reprogramming what is needed on a deep level.

In addition to bringing a sense of overall well-being, this vibrational alignment:

 – Allows you to feel more of who you are 

– Allows you to easily feel the state of flow in life

– Brings balance and harmony 

– Increases receptivity, making decision making and choices easier 

– Increases awareness of yourself, others and everything around you 

– Brings presence to the here and now 

– Align connection to spirit, body, nature, others – inner and outer world 

– Reduces stress and anxiety 

– Strengthens the immune system 

– Accelerates recovery from injuries, fractures, and surgery 

– Reduces resistance to manifestation

– Activates sexual desire and activity 

– Increases synchronicity – increases joy in life, love for yourself, others and everything.

– Allows for soul connections to happen, being much more easy to find the right people at the right time.

Gradually, you will feel this vital energy vibrating in your cells, allowing you to live your uniqueness.


– For anyone of any age who is experiencing a health challenge or a moment of great emotional imbalance;
– Anyone who wants to go deeper, know themselves better and is curious about spiritual evolution and innovative proposals. 
– Anyone facing a time of transition, beginning and ending cycles, with doubts and uncertainties about the future.
– For those who wish to free themselves from stress and live in balance, with greater freedom, inner peace and well-being.

Note: Can also be facilitated for animals


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