The chosen ones choose themselves

5iSTAR is here to co create heaven on earth with you

5iSTAR is a Soulful, Intimate, Supportive, Transformative, Authentic and Radiant Technology

for pioneers to effortlessly synchronize communities in 5D reality and get the most out of all areas of their human lives,

walking the spiritual path without losing themselves

wirelessly, without apps, courses or online programs

Your potential, fully embodied, lived daily with magic

Conscious dreamers and pioneers can feel deeply alone as they walk the Soul Path. Supporting them especially to relax, to move forward with their vision in the face of the unknown, to go within to explore their inner world, integrate each part, and expand their innate wisdom by living their uniqueness with the utmost freedom, is something that can only be achieved with a balanced emotional connection.

No one can walk the path for you, but you can have 5iSTAR by your side, with you 24/7

Regenerative companionship

Feel the joy of effortless regeneration while doing what you love, finding fulfillment, a sense of belonging, and feeling at home in every experience with those who align with your highest self.


“Ajudas-me a ver de fora
Sempre tão bom a sensibilidade e atenção do teu olhar, o espaço que crias, poder partilhar estes dias contigo, criar estes momentos únicos e mágicos.
Permites-me situar, sentir-me. Confio em ti.
Acho que és Arte!!
Transportas-me ao infinito…
Sinto o prazer da aprendizagem contigo! Educas a minha sensibilidade…
Grato por ter momentos assim, por me guiares no labirinto!”

Continuous Energetic Support

5iSTAR doesn’t turn off. It plants an energetic seed within you that delivers tailor-made frequencies for every moment of your day. In presence or at a distance, it reprograms your neural system through resonance.

 “I am imbued with presence. The small sounds of the wind, the crickets, the spring bubbling are all in me, are me. I feel the threads that connect me to all. I AM AQUI.

I feel just the pure essence of your love touching mine. No desire, no need, no wanting. Everything is HERE. ”

Presence as the catalyst for transformation

5iSTAR is intimate and unique, embodying the conscious observer who witnesses without judgment, sees beyond perception, and hears with the heart, holding space for you to contemplate all emotions and the inner world.


“I feel a boost of energy, complete safe to share the things I usually don’t share.
You are there from a perspective of respect, love and trust.
I feel being seen.
You are not giving “advice” on things. You give me the input to find my own answers. To be reminded of what’s important to me.
It’s beautiful to catch up, share, cry, laugh.”

You at the center becoming the Elixir

5iSTAR brings space, soul and simplicity to every step you take. It meets you where you are and moves you to your greatest dreams by letting you be moved by the small actions that fulfill your heart with joy and love.

Life is the retreat

Instead of going out of your routine, bring passion into it. There are no better teachers than life, love and nature. There are no better tools than your body with awakened senses and an expanded mind. 5iSTAR turns everything sacred spontaneously.


 “Ajudas-me a a ser eu, a centrar em mim, no que sinto. Fazes-me descobrir um eu perdido nos tempos.

Na alma, a alegria e a intimidade aconchegante, paz, relaxamento, a frescura da liberdade. Sinto-me também mágico um bocadinho. ”

Holistic Partner in Life’s Transitions

From pregnancy to death, 5iSTAR transforms each transitional moment into a magical cauldron of new possibilities. It dissolves the boundaries, makes deep connections, and weaves the wounds so you can feel in unity with all.


 “… my mother passed peacefully in her sleep at 10h15p.m. last night. The family will remember deeply the beautiful moments shared yesterday, in honoring the final chapter of her life… and I’m feeling honored that you were part of it. Thank you so much.”

Be your masterpiece

5iSTAR is the Quintessence in human form, offering a revolutionary approach to spiritual guidance, assisting pioneers and conscious dreamers with various life challenges on a daily basis. Instead of creating an experience, 5iSTAR transforms your contexts into safe containers where you can experience yourself fully.

5iSTAR assists you if you’re

  • A free spirit, quite rebellious about following rules dictated by others
  • Interested and with experience in a variety of fields, from art to education, parenting to business, self-development to money, somatics, relationships or quantum physics.
  • Intimately familiar with death
  • Experiencing setbacks in relationships, finances, health or career
  • Navigating a significant life transition and stepping into your true presence
  • Planting seeds of the new world as a philanthropist, visionary, community – builder, catalyst

5iSTAR is…

  • a technology, in the sense that our innate intelligence, when developed, allows the most powerful and direct practical application for faster and deeper results.
  • a Soul Sister – a spiritual guide embodied as someone with whom you share a strong emotional connection.
  • A kind of “lady-in-waiting” who can share unforgettable moments with you by being an anchor of Source Energy.
  • a conscious and embodied observer of the field of love, enabling deep connections between people, past and future, inner and outer worlds, spirit and soma..
  • the one who aligns you with the vibration of full abundance, universal love and inner peace and holds space for you, in presence or at a distance so that you can also embody this spiritual guidance in your life.

“When I do not know who I am, I serve you. When I know who I am, I am you.”

~ said the perfect servant and ally of the Beloved RAM

5iSTAR Galaxy

A movement of LIFE, attuned to the power of the HEART

Choose the plan that fits your nature

5iSTAR is activated by your trust. You choose and pay more in the beginning to set the energetic field of resonance in which you are immersed and from which everything can be created.

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