I offer you the power of feeling truly alive

Even when dealing with loss, grief, confusion, running out of time, and emptiness

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Celebrate the boundary Where streams join the sea,
Where body meets infinity.

Sutra 44,
Lorin Roche


Eu sou a Cristiana,

alquimista da vida

catalisadora ao serviço do AMOR

Apaixonada pela vida, tenho encontrado na criação, na dança, na educação, na maternidade e na cura, os contextos para me experienciar de  múltiplas formas, colaborando na transformação e evolução de pessoas de diferentes áreas e geografias.

Conecto-te  com a tua origem, ao nível do espírito, do corpo e da natureza e lembro-te a sabedoria que vieste ancorar, assim como a importância da tua presença aqui.

Ao longo dos últimos anos, tenho dado corpo ao sistema Mystery Embodied, no qual  concentro práticas de ativação da tua capacidade inata de regeneração e autoconhecimento, através de vários prismas que se complementam para enraizares a luz na matéria e te tornares íntimo/a de ti mesmo/a.

Oriento líderes, artistas, empreendedores, professores e todos os que se colocam ao serviço de algo maior a confiar nos seus instintos e a assumir a liberdade de serem quem são, potenciando a sua presença catalisadora e o seu impacto no mundo.

O que recebes de mim sem esforço








O que dizem os meus clientes

“I felt all body included in a field of love.
I feel your humble devotion and how you love what you do.
I felt such a trust when I saw you that I just could do it with you.
“Nem imaginas o quanto me libertas, o quanto é transformador o teu impacto. Ajudas-me a ser eu, a centrar em mim, no que sinto e isso ser fonte de tudo!. Essa sensação de radical transparência e de radical liberdade.. .”
“Estou-te muito grata por me teres conectado com o divino, com a nossa força maior, silenciosa mas à vista de todos. Sem dúvida que foi muito forte e que nunca mais serei a mesma. Obrigada pela luz!.”




Welcome here conscious dreamer

You’ve come a long way and now you’re back to the essentials, but with a different awareness and wisdom.

This is the moment to choose if you want to give up dreaming,

if you want to continue to make dreams come true through effort and some wear and tear,

or if you want to experience the magic of becoming the dream itself, life itself, and transforming your presence into your greatest contribution to humanity by gathering those who align with the fullness of your being.

Remember: the life you came to live is YOU

In early May 2024, as I lay in bed with my eyes closed, basking in the first rays of sunshine, I asked myself, “What would you like to do before you die?”

And the answer was: NOTHING. Being in this moment, right now, is everything.

It wasn’t a phrase from a book, nor was it an affirmation to achieve spiritual enlightenment; it came from the bottom of my heart, carried by the voice that comes from within me, from the ends of the universe, and contains eternity.
In that moment I felt how far and deep I had come in the process of embodying consciousness.

And now I’m here, for you, with you, as medicine, as art, as love, to co-create heaven on earth (for that is my greatest dream).

Let’s say that I died without dying, and now I know what it feels like to be immortal.

There is nothing more significant and transformative on my resume than to have achieved this vibration, wisdom and inner peace that connects beginning and end, embodying the continuous web of life, death and rebirth.

And at the center of this website is us, me and you together, co-creating a unique combination, starting from this vastness that is the mystery of being alive.

It is from here that a new human being can be created, that new programs can be generated, that new connections can expand all of us,

If you’re curious to know more about me, there’s nothing more fascinating than what makes two strangers meet, so I’ll be happy to share more with you in a 1:1 experience that you can choose